Sunday, October 5, 2008

Much madness aceo

Much madness aceo
Originally uploaded by popcornfeet

It's long painful road, being different in this world.

Society doesn't like those of us that don't fit.... don't fit the acceptable norms.... Those of us that aren't smack in the middle of the bell curve have very few places to call home.... We don't fit.

We don't fit in many neighborhoods, or jobs... some of us don't even fit in airline seats. Society has many ways people can 'not fit'... Sometimes how we look....some times who we are....sometimes what we've done in the past... sometimes what they are afraid we will do in the future...sometimes it's just our size.... or who our parents are... There are so many ways not to fit it's amazing any of us fit at all.

I don't have any hope that it will change.

My mis-fit ... my outside-ness.... my strangeness.... I forget about it most days. I've been bipolar so long it's part of me, perhaps it always was part of me. I don't see the parts of the disorder as strange anymore, just symptoms. Neutral... like a fever... or a sneeze. It's only when I catch 'that' look... that glance someone gives me when they think I'm not looking at them anymore that makes me remember, "oh, yeah... right, I'm scary"

It's not new.....Emily Dickinson wrote about the same thing in 1862. Unfortunately if things haven't changed in 162 years there isn't much hope of them changing in the next 162...

Much Madness is divinest Sense
To a discerning Eye
Much Sense—the starkest Madness
'Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail
Assent—and you are sane
Demur—you're straightway dangerous
And handled with a Chain

Yes, Emily.... handled with a chain. You are most correct.... but rarely is there a discerning eye.

This card is done on an aceo blank made of matte board. I did a collage of art papers and put the image on top of that. Its
quite thick because I printed the image on a thicker paper than i usually do.

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