Saturday, October 18, 2008

despair aceo

despair aceo
Originally uploaded by popcornfeet

How bad does despair feel? The dictionary says despair is: Loss of hope...hopelessness. To lose, or give be without hope...

I think it's worse. I don't even think it's close to that. I don't even think it's close enough for you to have seen the hope you once had.

Despair is not a feeling - It's physical. It's heavy and lays on your chest like an x-ray apron. Heavier than sadness.

Despair doesn't bend you; it breaks you.... Unrelenting, like a slow burn.

The main image of this card is one I did in marker in the late 90's... It was placed on a matte board backing cut into aceo format with a collage of art papers. The whole thing is coved with a thick acrylic glaze.

on ebay

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