Friday, January 16, 2009

Energy series ( Focus ) 9 x 12 acrylic

Energy series ( Focus ) 9 x 12 acrylic
Originally uploaded by popcornfeet

've been trying to concentrate on energy as a theme.


I understand that at first glance this painting doesn't look especially energetic in the traditional sense (Like, for example, the Lava paintings) however let me explain.

Focus is energy. The ability to hone in on something, to narrow down... to remain on a task... to really look inside and decide what you want... That all not only takes energy; it is energy. Focus is a powerful magnetic-type energy that draws what you want to you as opposed the the kind of energy you expend... or a visible energy like waves or wind...

Focus is the energy you use when you look to the horizons of your wants and thoughts and needs to bring them close. Into focus. Into your life....

Perhaps focus is your strongest energy. Or perhaps it's the strongest energy in people who get what they need...

Im not sure what I'm going to do with this painting yet. I need paintings for a show in the summer...or I might keep this one... I don't know. I might also sell this one....

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