Originally uploaded by popcornfeet
The people of this country didn't want the 700-billion-dollar bail out... Why?
I think it's because there is no trust level anymore... No trust that that huge amount of money would be used in the spirit it was given... That any of the people in charge of the money would be good stewards... And would use it for what it was intended....
Although as hard as I've looked I didn't see anyone saying what exactly it was intended for.
So when one of the companies spent more than $440,000 for an executive reward just days after receiving an 85-billion dollar US government loan... People were angry but no one was shocked.
The explanation from the company? In a nutshell - These rewards are normal... Something always done... Necessary to keep the best and brightest sales force.
Perhaps. Frankly, I wonder where the best and the brightest would go anyway if they were let go but that's neither here nor there.... But maybe the explanation made sense... in the past... when companies didn't have worry about how things would look to the public... didn't just take an incomprehensible amount of money to remain solvent... Didn't have to explain where the money came from...
And I think that's the point here... They never expected to have to explain anything.
I've been trying to figure out what this whole brouhaha (That the current admisistraion calls despicable) reminds me of...and I've got it.
It reminds me of cases I've seen on the Judge Judy TV program.
There seem to be a lot of court cases where either the defendant or the plaintiff or both... are on disability...or welfare... or some get some sort of government help.
These ill-fated people come in trying to recover for something that perhaps in hindsight was a bad idea. If you are someone who needs help it's probably a bad idea to go on national TV and try to recover your 52 inch plasma screen , cell phones... designer shoes and $400 Lucky Brand jeans.
How does it look when you need help but you making your TV debut in rockin' clothes, sporting manicured nails, totally 'done' hair and a few pounds of jewelry and explaining how someone stole your $3500 television?
And Judge Judy notices all this... We all do, but she's there.... She asks who takes care of your kids? And you say, You do... And she shouts - No, Bird and I do. Go collect cans.
Is she harsh? Yeah. Is she right? Well, that's up to each person to decide...but I get it.... We all get it. And that's why it reminds me of what happened when the government gave out 85 billion and than $440,000 was spent on something frivolous.
The company was saying - We always did it...It was already planned. And the fact is, as I've learned from Judge Judy, once you accept money...any money, you have a responsibility to spend wisely. All the money you have. Collectively. Unless, of course, the $440,000 came from collecting cans.
This aceo card is double-sided. It's not two cards! The dollar was not cut but folded around the back side - its not signed yet but I will sign it before mailing... It was done on a matte board base with collaged art papers. The papers compliment the colors of the dollar. The dollar was wrapped around the side and everything was glazed with the thick acrylic sealer... Its one of the thicker cards Ive done.