Saturday, November 22, 2008

The yin and yang of the TV show "24" ACEO

The yin and yang of the TV show "24" ACEO
Originally uploaded by popcornfeet

In life and in art its the negative spaces that make the whole.

If a picture was filled with color and lines...and things... where would your eyes rest? Would you want to look at the image? Would you want to come back to it again...and again... and again?

I remember the first season of the TV show '24'... I loved it -- I never missed it. It was exciting, thrilling --- exhilarating! But than it the season finale came and it was over and... I felt like I exhaled for the first time all season.

I hadn't realized how tense the show made me. Hadn't realized how anxious I'd been until the closing credits ran.. and I dissolved into a pile of relaxed goo.

"24" is a lot like life with no negative space. All yang, no yin.... All breathing in, no breathing in.... I could go on. But I wont...

So when I found this picture and worked on it, it reminded me of all of that. Perhaps its not exciting in the '24' sense but its a balance that works. A relaxation thing... Something that says the space between the pine needles matters as much as the pine needles...

At least that is my theory.


Anonymous said...

I like the piece - and I like 24, I think the producers started with a concept which really affected its audience and then supercharged it - the idea of 24 hour snipped up keeps the suspense at fever pitch!

Sandy Koch said...

Oh, I REALLY like this one! One of my favorites! Nice job!